Here are our main news stories.

If you have children at our school, you should also read the latest School Updates

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July 18, 2024
Sharing picnic & performances 🎵

We had a fabulous time at our sharing picnic yesterday afternoon. It was lovely to...

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July 18, 2024
Our first year… 2023-2024

A round-up of our amazing first academic year at Bowbrook. All of our highlights and...

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July 17, 2024
Food Roadshow!

It was a close call between the Green Peas and the Red Chilli’s but the...

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July 16, 2024
A little bit of rain won’t stop us!

The rain didn’t dampen our spirits for our last trip of the year! We went...

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July 15, 2024
Football football football

The biggest football match of the weekend took place at Bowbrook Primary. Thank you to...

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July 15, 2024
Entertaining the community

Our final visit of the academic year to Bowbrook House. We treated the residents to...

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July 15, 2024
Winding down from Witness the Fitness week

A great way to end Witness the Fitness week. After such a busy few days...

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July 15, 2024
Colour Run

The rain poured down but that did not put off the parents, staff and children...

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July 15, 2024
Ex- Wales and Wolves star footballer!

Thank you very much to ex-Wales, Wolves and Shrewsbury footballer, Dave Edwards, for coming into...

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July 12, 2024
Back in the Imagination Playground

Recently we have not been using the Imagination playground much so we thought what better...

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July 11, 2024
Circuit training with Miguel

Thanks to Miguel Ulloa who came in to do some circuit training with the children....

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July 11, 2024
Jump Around!

As part of Witness the Fitness week we had an amazing time at Airea 51...

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July 10, 2024
Our first Sports Day!

We are so proud of all our We are so unbelievably proud of the courage...

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July 10, 2024
Earheart scoop the cup!

Our first ever House competition at our first ever Sports Day saw Earhart scoop the...

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July 10, 2024
Coleham School Sports Leaders

Thank you to the Year 6 Coleham Crew who helped as Sports Leaders at our...

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July 9, 2024
Witness the Fitness week is up and running!

Strength, determination and motivation were evident in school this morning as personal trainer, Simon from...

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July 7, 2024
Treat Tuesday

The sun shone today! Because of this, our children got the opportunity to sit with...

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July 7, 2024
‘How does your garden grow?’

A huge thankyou to Mr Wilcox and Derek the delivery driver from Jewsons for the...

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July 7, 2024
Getting fit at the school of opportunity

We are passionate about health and fitness at Bowbrook. We regularly cook healthy snacks and...

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July 7, 2024
More opportunities!

Building work is well underway to provide even more facilities for our youngsters. We want...

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July 7, 2024
Bowbrook Festival 2024

The sun shone, the drinks flowed and everyone had a fabulous time. Thankyou to everyone...

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July 7, 2024
One year ago today…

The first time our little team of 8 visited the school site to try and...

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July 7, 2024
What a community we have!

This morning we had a wonderful music assembly to showcase what the children have been...

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July 7, 2024
Introducing… the 2024/25 Dragonflies and Caterpillars

We had a fantastic transition morning meeting all the new children and staff for September....

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June 22, 2024
Our first ever football match!

The biggest football match of the week saw Bowbrook Primary Football Team put on our...

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June 22, 2024
England v Denmark

A draw for England but we’re the real winners being able to share these amazing...

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June 22, 2024
Meeting Bowbrook House’ new residents

It doesn’t matter if you’re 5 years old or 95 years old, the experience of...

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June 10, 2024
Risk takers

‘Taking risks is the best thing ever, and that’s what gets you anywhere’ We are...

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May 31, 2024
The Ugly Bug Ball

We had a great time with our friends, having a dance, playing games and having...

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May 31, 2024
Visit from the project manager of our wonderful school

It was great to be shown images of our fantastic school being built from start...

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May 31, 2024
‘Friends make the world beautiful’

As Shrewsbury’s newest school, we are making sure we explore our community, share ideas and...

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May 16, 2024
Mini-beast Art Exhibition 🎨

‘Every child is an artist’ 🎨 This afternoon, we opened our Mini-beast Art Exhibition to...

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May 11, 2024
Visiting Keystone

Our inquisitive little ones are always asking to visit ‘the school over there’. Today we...

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May 11, 2024
Cooking is a life skill!

We are so lucky to have our own Cookery Room at Bowbrook. The children follow...

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May 11, 2024
Al fresco dining

We love the outdoors at Bowbrook and have been outside in all kind of weather...

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May 10, 2024
Forest School visit

Today Caterpillars ventured to Inside Out forest school. For some of the children it was...

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May 7, 2024
Mini beast Music Assembly

We love nothing more than showing off our learning to our families. This term we...

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May 7, 2024
Spreading joy in our community

The children bring energy and joy everyday to our staff and our families. We wanted...

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May 5, 2024
She did it!

There’s nothing we love more than watching our children succeed and fulfil their potential… so...

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April 29, 2024
In the moment

We seek to follow the children’s interests at Bowbrook.  We were so excited to watch...

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April 29, 2024
Nature Club

Nature Club with Mrs Proctor is after school on a Wednesday. This week we have...

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April 29, 2024
Mini beast hunt

This week the children have been on a mini beast hunt in the surrounding environment....

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April 26, 2024
Winetasting Evening

Staff and parents had a great social at Coleham Primary learning all about the Paso-Primero...

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April 24, 2024
Mini-beast Fascination

From tiny caterpillars come beautiful butterflies… Our children are still showing such a fascination around...

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April 19, 2024
Drama Club

Drama club had their first session yesterday and the children explored how to portray different...

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April 19, 2024
Football Club

Football Club is back with Mr Aiston!...

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April 19, 2024
Forest School at Inside Out

Today we had our first visit back to Inside Out.  We enjoyed exploring, being energetic...

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April 16, 2024
Makaton Training

Fantastic to have Sarah the Makaton Tutor with us upskilling our staff! Using signs is...

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April 15, 2024

Our children definitely ‘felt the fear & did it anyway’ this morning at our exciting...

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April 15, 2024
Singing assembly

Monday is our day for singing assembly! Last half term we learnt lots of nursery...

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April 13, 2024
The Great Outdoors

“The best classroom and the richest classroom is roofed only by the sky.” -Marget McMillan...

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April 13, 2024
New term means new classrooms

Our teachers have been working hard on our environment to make the classrooms the best...

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April 13, 2024
Frozen Sing-Along

Thank you everybody for coming along to our Frozen Sing-Along event.  There is no better...

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April 12, 2024
Inside Out!

We have been back at Forest school this week and we had great fun in...

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April 10, 2024
Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club is in full swing! Great opportunity for some physical development and to get...

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April 9, 2024
Snack Shack

We are all aware how much young children enjoy a snack! However, we want to...

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April 8, 2024
Summer Term begins!

Spruced up classrooms, refreshed children, enthusiastic teachers – it’s officially summer term at Bowbrook!  ...

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March 24, 2024
Bunny Bop Disco

We had a fantastic time at our Bunny Bop disco!...

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March 18, 2024
Science week

The children have loved predicting, investigating and experimenting this week. There has been lots of...

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March 18, 2024
Dance troupe perform at the Theatre Severn

Our children shone like stars at the Theatre Severn dance show! They encapsulated our motto...

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March 15, 2024
Secondary School Science Labs!

Reception visited the Priory Secondary school to take a look at their laboratories!  ...

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March 9, 2024
World Book Week

Another wonderful week celebrating all things books. We have had workshops, secret storytellers, dressing up,...

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March 7, 2024
Mother’s Day

The most wonderful Mother’s Day afternoon celebrating our amazing Mums. We had flowers, coffee and...

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March 3, 2024
Around the World week

We had an incredible week with visitors teaching us about Spain, India, Anguilla, Gambia, France,...

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February 18, 2024
Bingo Night

What a brilliant community Bingo night, a game for all ages!  Eyes down and Look...

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February 8, 2024
Lunar New Year sharing Feast

What a spectacular feast the children prepared, cooked and shared with their grown ups to...

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February 2, 2024
Mini Bowbrook

Our very own mini Bowbrook where the children are in charge! Through imaginative play children...

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February 2, 2024
Fun in the mud at Inside Out!

This afternoon we had a wonderfully muddy time at Inside Out. Mud soup, mud pie...

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February 1, 2024
Grandparents Afternoon Tea

We all spent a lovely afternoon with our Bowbrook Grandparents and Great- Grandparents.  The children...

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January 30, 2024
Museum Workshop

An immersive morning for our Dragonflies and Caterpillars as we dived inside the story of...

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January 30, 2024
Caterpillars Cookery

We feel incredibly lucky to have such mazing facilities at Bowbrook! Our Cookery room is...

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January 26, 2024
Visit from the police

We had an amazing visit from two police officers this week. The children heard all...

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January 23, 2024
Weekly Yoga

Every Tuesday we welcome Jess from Relax Kids to share her yoga practices with us. The...

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January 19, 2024

One of the heroes in our community is Firefighter Alan. The children loved learning all...

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January 19, 2024
Local nurses visit

We were lucky enough to have a visit from some of our nursing friends who...

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January 18, 2024
Yoga Sessions

Core strength, mindfulness and listening skills are all part of our weekly yoga sessions. Thanks...

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January 18, 2024
Yoga Time

As part of our physical and spiritual development all of our children will be taking...

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January 18, 2024
Coastguard Tamsyn

Part of our Dreams come true week has given us visits from lots of inspirational...

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January 18, 2024
Visit from Doctor Hamza

Doctor Hamza came to visit us today as part of helping us understand the roles...

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January 18, 2024
Cafe visit!

Today we were so excited to visit Cafe Connect at the Radbrook Shopping Precinct. Dave...

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January 16, 2024
Heroes in the community

We’ve had a super week with visits from Search & Rescue, the school nurses and...

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January 10, 2024
Thinktank Birmingham

We love leaving Shropshire behind and Reception children had a brilliant day out to Thinktank...

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January 8, 2024
Three Kings Celebration

How lovely it was to join Mia and celebrate Los Reyes Magos.  This celebration in...

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January 6, 2024
Daisy the Dog

Today we welcomed Sarah and her ‘therapy dog’, Daisy May. The children were taught about...

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December 15, 2023
Panto Time

What a great way for Dragonflies Class to end the term!  A trip to Theatre...

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December 14, 2023
Christmas Lunch

What a lovely Christmas Lunch we all had together with a party afterwards. Santa even...

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December 14, 2023
Coleham Christmas Parade

We had a wonderful time visiting our friends at Coleham Primary School for their Christmas...

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December 13, 2023
Dear Santa

An exciting trip for our Nursery children, Caterpillars Class who visited the theatre to watch...

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December 10, 2023

Thankyou to everyone who came along to support our Nativity performances this week. The children...

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December 10, 2023
Serving the community

At Bowbrook we are determined to be the focus of our wonderful community and want...

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December 10, 2023
Imagination Playground

After experiencing this equipment for the first time at Shrewsbury Museum we purchased this for...

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December 3, 2023
Christmas Fair

Thank you for everyone who came to our Christmas Fair! It was lovely to see...

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November 24, 2023
We love our music sessions

We are continuing to explore different sounds with our music teacher, Mrs Porrett. The children...

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November 22, 2023
We love Science at Bowbrook

‘Supersonic Sue’ the scientist came to visit us today to explore light. We saw how...

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November 17, 2023
Stay and Play

We had a great time with our parents and carers at our Nursery Rhyme stay...

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November 17, 2023
Using green screens

We used green screens to retell the story of Humpty Dumpty. The children enjoyed using...

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November 17, 2023
Shrewsbury museum

As part of Nursery Rhyme week we visited Shrewsbury Museum. Our Nursery Rhyme today was...

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November 17, 2023
Delivery to the foodbank

Following our Harvest festival, we took all our donations to the food bank in Coleham....

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November 13, 2023
Yoga with Relax kids

This morning we had Jess from Relax kids in school to do some yoga and...

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November 10, 2023
Diwali treats!

We have been learning all about Diwali. We have listened to the story of Rama...

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November 9, 2023
Jackson Pollock

The new aprons arrived during half term and thank goodness! We have been experimenting with...

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October 30, 2023
Boo-tastic Boogie!

We had a spooky time at Bowbrook’s first disco. Hope everyone got to sleep at...

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October 30, 2023
Super swimmers

At the start of the term, we took a class of nervous but excited Dragonflies...

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October 30, 2023
Our Art Exhibition is open

A fantastic afternoon for our little artists, showcasing their work from this half term. We...

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October 30, 2023
Pumpkin carving with Mr Sibu

A huge thankyou to Mr. Sibu for demonstrating incredible pumpkin carving skills this morning. Our...

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October 30, 2023
Pumpkin picking!

We had a fun, muddy morning at the Pumpkin Patch choosing our pumpkins ready to...

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October 20, 2023
Reverend Charlotte came to visit

Reverend Charlotte came in this week and delivered an assembly about how the animals in...

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October 20, 2023
Communication and Language

At Bowbrook , communication and language is the heart of everything we teach. Each Monday...

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October 13, 2023
A visit from Amazing ICT

Today our children have been broadening their understanding of technology and working on their critical...

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October 12, 2023
Communication and Language in Early Years

At Bowbrook we are using Makaton to support children and young people in their spoken...

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October 12, 2023
‘Feel the fear and do it anyway’

At Bowbrook ‘feel the fear and do it anyway’ captures our ethos. This is evident...

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October 6, 2023
Safari Park

Today we have visited the Safari Park. It was our first ‘big’ school trip and...

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October 6, 2023
Crossbar Visit!

Our friends from Crossbar came across with their inflatables this week to give our children...

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September 30, 2023
Our Grand Opening

What a day!  Thank you to so many of you who came to support us...

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September 29, 2023
Bakers lend a hand

At Baking Club this week the children made Rocky Road tray bakes for our Grand...

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September 29, 2023
Reverend Charlotte visit

Reverend Charlotte paid us a visit today. She introduced herself to the children and spoke...

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September 29, 2023
Illustrator visit

We were delighted this week to have local Illustrator Gisella Robinson visit us.  You will...

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September 22, 2023
Open classrooms

Tonight we showed around the parents and carers of children from Dragonflies and Caterpillars. We...

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September 22, 2023
After school clubs!

These week we have kicked off our After School Clubs. We have had Dance, Cookery,...

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September 22, 2023
Celebration Assembly

Well done to these 3 little superstars who were given a certificate for being ambassadors...

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September 21, 2023
Dragonflies went swimming!

Our Reception class had their first swimming lesson at Prestfelde school this week. There was...

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September 21, 2023
Cooking with Katie from Katie’s Kitchen

Our children had a great time making dove biscuits to celebrate National Day of Peace...

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September 20, 2023
Bowbrook Bakers

Mrs Woosnam’s Baking Club started this week and we got to use our Design &...

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September 15, 2023
Music with Domenica

Today we had our first music session with our Music Teacher Domenica. The children focused...

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September 15, 2023
Learning about Jewish New Year

Mia spoke to the class about Jewish New Year and how her family will be...

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September 15, 2023
Trip to Inside Out

We had a wonderful trip to Inside Out Forest School with Franky this Friday afternoon....

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September 7, 2023
In the News!

Some wonderful stories from our first day! Shropshire Star Article BBC Article Listen to Radio...

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September 7, 2023
Watch Us Open our School

Today we opened our doors for the first ever time. Take a look at how...

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September 6, 2023
We open tomorrow!!

It’s a surreal feeling but we open our doors tomorrow to the first ever children...

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September 4, 2023
Classroom setting up-day 1

Set up Day 1- Keys handed over and the team busy prepping their classrooms! We’re...

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September 2, 2023
Building Complete

Our new school is complete and ready for handover to The 3-18 Education Trust on...

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September 1, 2023
It is nearly time! A welcome letter from the Headteacher.

Please see our Letters Home Page for our first Headteacher Letter. Headteacher Welcome Letter...

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August 24, 2023
We are ready!

We are all on track for opening! Sam and Tracy have just visited to check...

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July 20, 2023
Mini Builders!

Our little builders came to check out the progress on site for themselves!  Bowbrook will...

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July 18, 2023
Nursery Home Visits

Mrs Madden and Mrs Forrester spent the day on home visits for our caterpillars nursery...

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July 13, 2023
Building our community links

Mr Aiston met up with Reverend Charlotte from the Oxon Parish Church this morning to...

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July 3, 2023
Our staff have been checking on the progress and it is looking fantastic!

Find out more about what's been happening at school...

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June 21, 2023
Classrooms are painted!

So our upstairs classrooms now have doors, painted skirting board and gorgeous feature walls. So...

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June 16, 2023
Latest pictures of our fabulous new school!

Find out more about what's been happening at school...

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June 16, 2023
Our first ever class!

We had a lovely time meeting our first ever Reception Children for Dragonflies Class.  We...

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June 12, 2023
Building Timelapse

Wow, watch our new school building go up in a 2 min video! Doors opening...

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June 9, 2023
Nursery Spaces Available!

If you would like a place at our fantastic new nursery from SEPTEMBER 2023 then simply get...

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June 9, 2023
Hello from Bowbrook


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June 7, 2023
Dear Santa!

It’s never too early to think about Christmas! Our nursery children are all booked to...

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June 5, 2023
Bowbrook new starters: September 2023

We hope you’re all enjoying this sunny weather! ☀️ Reception children, keep an eye on...

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May 23, 2023
Early Years Shopping

A brand new Nursery and Reception needs brand new resources!  We were only too happy...

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May 21, 2023
Plant & Craft Fair

We joined up with Coleham School yesterday for the Plant & Craft Fair and had...

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May 11, 2023
Plant & Craft Fair

We would like to invite all our new families to Coleham School’s Plant & Craft...

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May 10, 2023
Nursery Information Evening

Are you looking for your child to start Nursery from September 2023? Bowbrook Primary School...

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May 3, 2023
Aerial photos of our fantastic new school!

Find out more about what's been happening at school...

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April 28, 2023
Governors WANTED

Could you be a School Local Governor? Join us and make a difference! Exciting times...

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April 28, 2023
It’s behind you!

Dragonflies class will be going to Theatre Severn to watch the Christmas pantomime on December...

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April 27, 2023
Team Tour

What a team. 💪 Brilliant to be part of the 3-18 Education Trust. Our new...

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April 27, 2023
Our school building is looking superb!

Today I was given a tour of the site by the builders. It is coming...

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April 24, 2023


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April 22, 2023
Bowbrook Nursery Opening September

We are starting to fill places for our brand new Nursery.  Our Nursery can accept...

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April 21, 2023

We are so excited to meet the first ever pupils of Bowbrook Primary! Details of...

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April 18, 2023
Some dates for your diary

We have updated our website with more information. Check out our Parents’ Area that has...

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April 17, 2023
National Offer Day

It’s National Offer Day Congratulations to all our families who have a Reception place at...

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April 12, 2023
National Offer Day coming up!

Our lovely staff met in the school holidays to start planning for our brand new...

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March 27, 2023
We are recruiting!

We have 3 exciting positions to fill!  This is an incredible opportunity to join a...

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March 23, 2023
Take a sneak peek inside!

Today our Trustees were given a building site tour and walked inside our BRANÐ NEW...

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March 22, 2023
Growing our team

We are delighted to have employed Mrs Emma Davis as our Reception teacher from September. ...

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March 11, 2023
Meet our Nursery Teachers

We are thrilled to announce we have appointed two fabulous Nursery Teachers! Ellie and Charlotte...

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March 1, 2023
We have a building!

Please see the aerial photos below:...

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February 6, 2023
Our latest aerial images

Our latest images of the site where Bowbrook Primary School and The Keystone Academy will...

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February 5, 2023
Nursery Bookings Open!

You can now apply for places for our September intake at our brand new nursery!...

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January 30, 2023
Recruitment Evening

Our Recruitment Fair takes place on Wednesday 1st February. Read the article below:

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January 26, 2023
On Site

Tracy was on site today and all is going well! Works are on schedule and...

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January 18, 2023
New Nursery Opening September 2023

We are so excited, our brand new Nursery for 3-4 year olds opens in September...

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January 9, 2023
Nursery Teacher Wanted

Recruitment News!  We are now recruiting for an EYFS Teacher but also a NURSERY TEACHER!...

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January 7, 2023
Deadline for school places coming up

Read our latest News here:

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January 6, 2023
Recruitment Evening

Bowbrook Primary are proud to be part of the 3-18 Education Trust.  The 3-18 Education...

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January 5, 2023
Recruiting our first Teacher

We are so very excited to be recruiting our first Teacher for our brand new...

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December 6, 2022
Aerial Photos

Some aerial photos of the school site location:...

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November 25, 2022
Our Neighbours

Meet our neighbouring school The Keystone Academy.  The Keystone Academy is being built on the...

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November 25, 2022
Site Progress

Today we met with the site team and the Department for Education and are pleased...

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November 12, 2022
Headteacher announced!

The 3-18 Education Trust is very excited to announce the appointment of Sam Aiston as...

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November 9, 2022
Parent Event

This week we held our first event for prospective parents to find out more about...

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November 8, 2022
Site works

Here is the site for Bowbrook Primary School.  Groundwork has started and we look forward...

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November 2, 2022
Apply for a school Place

Applications are now open! You may apply for a school place for your child for...

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November 1, 2022
Parent Information Evenings

Is your child starting school in September 2023? Come along to our Parent Information Evenings...

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October 20, 2022

The 3-18 Education Trust’s proposal to open Bowbrook Primary School has progressed to the pre-opening...

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October 13, 2022
In the news! Our website launch

Please see the article below:  ...

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October 5, 2022
Building visuals

Here are the latest images to show you for Bowbrook Primary.      ...

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October 4, 2022
Headteacher Recruitment

We have begun the search for an inspiring Headteacher! See our Job Vacancies section for...

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October 1, 2022
In the news!

Please read the latest article from the Shropshire Star below:      ...