
Monday 15th July, 2024

Football football football

The biggest football match of the weekend took place at Bowbrook Primary.

Thank you to the parents for being such good sports and being brave enough to take on the mighty Bowbrook Reception class.

Everyone had fun, no one got (badly) injured and there was some great goals.

Monday 15th July, 2024

Entertaining the community

Our final visit of the academic year to Bowbrook House. We treated the residents to some of our singing before helping them feed the ducks.

It is always a pleasure when the residents tell you they are so impressed with how well behaved the children are and how refreshing it is to see and hear such beautiful manners.

#schoolof opportunity

Monday 15th July, 2024

Winding down from Witness the Fitness week

A great way to end Witness the Fitness week. After such a busy few days of high intensity exercise it was good to relax, meditate and just take a breath. Thank you to our yoga instructor, Jess, for providing a lovely experience for our children.

Monday 15th July, 2024

Colour Run

The rain poured down but that did not put off the parents, staff and children of Bowbrook. We saw it as an opportunity to get messy and show off our resilience.

Monday 15th July, 2024

Ex- Wales and Wolves star footballer!

Thank you very much to ex-Wales, Wolves and Shrewsbury footballer, Dave Edwards, for coming into Dragonflies class and sharing his experiences of playing in the European Championships and the Premier League.

Dave took questions from the children and spoke about diet, exercise and the importance of practice in becoming a top athlete.



Friday 12th July, 2024

Back in the Imagination Playground

Recently we have not been using the Imagination playground much so we thought what better time to get it back out then during Witness the Fitness week.

Team building, problem solving as well as balance and co-ordination. We are lucky to have such fabulous equipment.

Thursday 11th July, 2024

Circuit training with Miguel

Thanks to Miguel Ulloa who came in to do some circuit training with the children. The children got to compete in their teams and show togetherness, resilience and effort to be successful.

We also got to speak about being a personal trainer and some of the attributes needed for that job.

Tuesday 9th July, 2024

Witness the Fitness week is up and running!

Strength, determination and motivation were evident in school this morning as personal trainer, Simon from Ultimate Fitness, put our children through their paces in our school hall. Everyone did their best and no one gave up when it got tough!

Sunday 7th July, 2024

Treat Tuesday

The sun shone today!

Because of this, our children got the opportunity to sit with their community and enjoy an ice cream after a busy day of learning.

Sunday 7th July, 2024

‘How does your garden grow?’

A huge thankyou to Mr Wilcox and Derek the delivery driver from Jewsons for the extremely kind donation of raised flower beds for our school. Another example of our community coming together.

Sunday 7th July, 2024

Getting fit at the school of opportunity

We are passionate about health and fitness at Bowbrook.

We regularly cook healthy snacks and today we had the opportunity to exercise whilst making a healthy smoothie thanks to The Smoothie Bike.

It was hard work and very very messy but as always we got stuck in and produced some tasty drinks!

Sunday 7th July, 2024

More opportunities!

Building work is well underway to provide even more facilities for our youngsters. We want our children to reach their potential and to do this we need to ensure that they have the space and equipment to take risks; to feel the fear and do it anyway!

The builders had plenty of help from our little ones who loved learning more about the building trade!

Sunday 7th July, 2024

Bowbrook Festival 2024

The sun shone, the drinks flowed and everyone had a fabulous time.

Thankyou to everyone for your support – we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.

Now let’s start planning next year’s…

Sunday 7th July, 2024

One year ago today…

The first time our little team of 8 visited the school site to try and envisage what was going to be our #schoolofopportunity.

Fast forward 365 days and we have now almost doubled in size, had the best experiences along the way and we are doing everything we can to ensure we offer our children the best education alongside a vast amount of opportunities.

We feel like we have hot the jackpot! We are so glad you, our parents, have joined us on this journey.

What a year we have had!

Sunday 7th July, 2024

What a community we have!

This morning we had a wonderful music assembly to showcase what the children have been learning in their lessons with Mrs Porrett.

Not sure the parents were expecting to get involved as much as they did! #schoolofopportunity

Sunday 7th July, 2024

Introducing… the 2024/25 Dragonflies and Caterpillars

We had a fantastic transition morning meeting all the new children and staff for September.

Friday 31st May, 2024

Visit from the project manager of our wonderful school

It was great to be shown images of our fantastic school being built from start to finish today. Linsey, the project manager for the build, told us all about the different jobs that had to work together to create the final vision. We all agreed that w are super lucky to have our amazing school.

Friday 31st May, 2024

‘Friends make the world beautiful’

As Shrewsbury’s newest school, we are making sure we explore our community, share ideas and make new friends. Yesterday we went to our neighbours: Radbrook Primary.

The Reception children from Radbrook and Bowbrook played football, built dens, went on a scavenger hunt and shared some ice pops.

It was a pleasure to visit such a great group of children and staff whilst developing our communication, physical and social skills. We will be seeing each other again later in the year.

Where shall we go next?

Tuesday 21st May, 2024

Summer 2 Lunch Menu

The Lunch Menu for after half term is now on the website

Saturday 11th May, 2024

Cooking is a life skill!

We are so lucky to have our own Cookery Room at Bowbrook. The children follow instructions, use Maths, build language as well as understanding healthy eating and self hygiene.

This week the children have been reading Superworm and studying mini beasts and decided they wanted to make some wriggly worms to eat. So, the children made some cheese twists that we all agreed tasted better than a real worm would do.


Saturday 11th May, 2024

Al fresco dining

We love the outdoors at Bowbrook and have been outside in all kind of weather this year. Now, finally, the sun has come out! We are making the most of it with some al fresco dining. The children were very excited and want to do it all year round!

Tuesday 7th May, 2024

Mini beast Music Assembly

We love nothing more than showing off our learning to our families. This term we have been studying mini beasts as part of our Understanding the World. It has really captured the imagination of the children.

We also have weekly music sessions with the fabulous Mrs Porrett. Recently we have been experimenting with some of our new instruments and linked this to our Science topic.

The parents loved listening to the singing, the music and the sharing of our knowledge. As always some of our children bravely stood up and addressed the audience!

Feel the fear and do it anyway.

Tuesday 7th May, 2024

Spreading joy in our community

The children bring energy and joy everyday to our staff and our families. We wanted to spread this throughout our community so we arranged a few visits to Bowbrook House Care Home. The children chatted to the residents about what they love doing at school and listened to some lovely stories.

‘Spread joy everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.’ Mother Teresa.

Friday 12th April, 2024

Inside Out!

We have been back at Forest school this week and we had great fun in the mud. The outdoors can be the best classroom in the world to work on physical development, communication and language and our social skills.

Monday 18th March, 2024

Science week

The children have loved predicting, investigating and experimenting this week. There has been lots of new scientific vocabulary being shared and some brilliant questions from our curious little thinkers!  We had Supersonic Sue come and visit us and went to Priory Secondary school to take a look at their laboratories and carry out various experiments.

Here’s a look at what we got up to…
Have a great weekend! 🧪
Monday 18th March, 2024

Dance troupe perform at the Theatre Severn

Our children shone like stars at the Theatre Severn dance show! They encapsulated our motto of: feel the fear and do it anyway.  This was an impressive performance from our reception pupils!

Thursday 14th March, 2024

Parent Governor Vacancy

Dear Parent/Carers,

We are writing to inform you of a vacancy for the role of parent local governor on our Local Governing Body (LGB).

The role of the LGB
The school’s LGB is responsible for providing confident and strategic leadership, and creating robust accountability, oversight and assurance for the school’s educational and financial performance. The LGB is passionate about education and committed to continuous school improvement to ensure the best possible outcomes for our pupils.

The role of a parent local governor
As a parent local governor, you’ll work with the LGB to ensure it effectively carries out the duties referred to above. You’ll also play a vital role in ensuring that the LGB is connected with, and is aware of the views of, parents and the local community.

To be a parent local governor you should have:
• A strong commitment to the role and to improving outcomes for children.
• Good inter-personal skills, curiosity, and a willingness to learn and develop new skills.
• The specific skills required to ensure the governing board delivers effective governance.

Being a parent local governor can be demanding but very rewarding. All local governors serve a three-year term of office and under usual circumstances, can expect to spend between 10 and 20 days a year on governance duties. These include:

-attending meetings of the LGB, usually outside of school hours and contributing to LGB business;

-reading reports and papers and keeping up to date on the progress that the school is making; and

-visiting the school from time to time during the school day.

You will have to undergo a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check and sign the local governors’ Code of Conduct. A copy of the Code of Conduct, Role Description and more information about the LGB can be found on LGB’s pages of the school’s website.

We have a supportive induction process which will enable a period of settling into the role.

How to apply

If you’re interested in applying for the role, please email the Headteacher sam.aiston@bow.318education.co.uk by Friday 26th April.

You should also include a personal statement (approximate 250 words) to support your application. We encourage candidates to be succinct when setting out the skills, experience and attributes that they can bring to the LGB to support their application. Nominations of other parents will be accepted, but please seek their prior consent.

Applications/nominations can only be accepted from parents or carers who have children registered at the school on the day that nominations close. If we receive more applications/nominations than there are vacancies, an election will be carried out. We will inform you after the nomination deadline if we have to do this.

If you have any queries about this process or would like to find out more about the role, please contact the Chair of the LGB, Phil Wilson phil.wilson@318education.co.uk or the Headteacher Sam Aiston sam.aiston@bow.318education.co.uk

Yours sincerely,
Phil Wilson
Chair of the LGB Headteacher