Published on: 29th September, 2023

Autumn Newsletter No. 3


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Headteacher update

Another action packed week at Bowbrook. We had our first Standards Review and our first Governor meeting. The Standards Review is when the CEO and Deputy CEO quality assure the education that we are offering. It was incredibly positive and useful for us. We will soon be seeking Parent Governors to join us and help set the strategic direction for the school. More information about this will follow.

We have our Grand Opening/ Family Fair tomorrow that we are looking forward to. Hopefully we get good weather and we all have a great time.

The children have been swimming again this week and have been to Inside Out. They have also been visited by an illustrator and Reverend Charlotte. We are committed to ensuring that they get a wealth of opportunities.

Have a great weekend.

Sam Aiston

Our Grand Opening Event

Don’t forget it is our Grand Opening event on Saturday 30th September.  Please invite all of your neighbours, friends and family so we can make it a day to remember!

We will have an official ribbon cutting ceremony and speeches at the front of school at 1:00pm before we move around to the back of school for all the fun of the fair.

Illustrator visit

We were delighted this week to have local Illustrator Gisella Robinson visit us.  You will have seen Gisella’s art in town, she painted one of the BT boxes with the Dodo.  The children created some dragonflies and caterpillars that they will be displaying in the Art gallery in a couple of weeks and had a go at screen printing.  You wouldn’t believe that this beautiful art work came from Reception and Nursery.

Reverend Charlotte visit

Reverend Charlotte paid us a visit today. She introduced herself to the children and spoke about her family. She will be a regular visitor to school and will be teaching the children about her role in the community. The children asked her some super questions!

Certificates this week!

Well done to these little superstars on winning a certificate.

Certificates are given out to children who follow our 3 golden rules: Be Kind, Be Ready, Be Safe and also to children who have been brave and overcome their nerves. We are very proud of them!

Bakers lend a hand

At Baking Club this week the children made Rocky Road tray bakes for our Grand Opening on Saturday. Well done Dragonflies, they’ll go down a treat!


It was a busy week for Caterpillars. The children enjoyed lots of Phonics, Science, PE and even a relax in Mr Aiston’s office!





Arbor App

We will be using Arbor for our pupil information, communications and payments.

Please can we ask all parents to set up the Arbor app this week.

The easiest way to access Arbor is via the Arbor App.  Please click on the relevant link below (Android v IOS):

Arbor App for Apple IOS:

Arbor App for Android:

Alternatively, Arbor can be accessed via Web Browser. A link to this is included below:

Access Arbor in a web browser:

If you need any help with this, ask our Administrator Sarah.